Introduction to Responsive Web at Traffic

Recently, as our followers on Facebook and Twitter will have read, Traffic’s digital has been pushing forward in a vision to evolve and get better at what we do. We’ve attended several MeetUps both in Melbourne and in Sydney and we believe they are essential in enabling the sharing of creative knowledge and ideas. That’s why Traffic decided to host the first MeetUp for responsive web design – ‘Introduction to Responsive Web’ – last Tuesday at our Melbourne office.
We had three brilliant guest speakers, free drinks and pizzas and a great attendance. Keen followers from digital agencies across Melbourne were present, from developers to designers, project managers to business analysts. We have been very excited about the buzz created around this event and it was an honour to host such a successful evening. We want to give a special thank you to Zendy Wongso, Dave Sharpe and Yuan Wang for their extraordinary presentations.
The Current State of the Web – Zendy Wongso
Setting the bar high with his interesting thoughts on the Web, was Zendy, a Frontend Developer at Interact Creative. He talked around current practices and methodologies, and what we need to learn and understand for the future. You can follow Zendy on Twitter, very interesting guy!
The ‘short’ History of Responsive – Dave Sharpe
Second up was Dave from Visual Jazz who gave us a timeline presentation. Dave is the Front End Lead at one of the foremost FED Agencies in Australia. His slides were great and gave a really nice view of how far the Responsive Web has come since 2011. In just a few years a lot has happened!
If you want to get some inspiration for your own designs, get insight into how their projects were managed, how much they cost, and what technology they used, this one isn’t to be missed!
Brave New World of Responsive Designing – Yuan Wang
Traffic’s very own Digital Design Director gave a unique insight into how to approach the creative design component of a responsive project. Yuan, our digital design guru, has had great experience dealing with responsive web design and put forward some very interesting points on how to efficiently coordinate design and development to create a more thorough platform.
Something for you?
If you weren’t there on Tuesday, come along to our next MeetUp. We’ll be revealing the when and where of our next event on Facebook and Twitter. Join the fun and share your ideas!