BMW Finance
The ultimate direct marketing to drive results
Full Circle is a BMW Financial Services product that has a range of features and benefits that make it easier to get behind the wheel of an Ultimate Driving Machine. The key feature is the setting of a Guaranteed Future Value for your car at the start of the contract period, which provides reassurance, peace of mind and flexibility when it comes to the end of the contract period.
Keep the BMW driver ‘in the family’ by presenting a range of smart solutions towards the end of their contract period that enables them to get into their next BMW, in a way that is financially advantageous for them.
A DM piece that goes out to the owner 12 months before the contract expiry that details all of the options available to them, as well as outlining the next steps in the process.
Given the objective and strategy, the high impact DM piece was based around the notion of renewing ‘commitment’. So the piece was designed as a jewellery box.
When opened it up, it contained a ring (which was actually as BMW USB that contained a video about the process), as well as a brochure that provided the hard information.