We Build Brands That Move People.

We create experiences that transform brands, grow businesses and move people

Brand Metabolism is based on the theory that brand health and wellbeing is similar to that of a human. Companies and brands are living, breathing entities that require continuous, rigorous attention to retain metabolic health and sustainable profitability. We have identified the ten functional cells that influence and deliver sustainable brand health and profits by seamlessly connecting every cell of the communications labyrinth to create metabolic life and energy.


At Traffic we use the word ‘discovery’ to be the catalyst for our strategic, digital and creative teams to begin the search to find or create something that has never been done before. We already know that companies and brands fail because they forgot to innovate to embrace change.

If you work with, and invest in Traffic, we will be the catalyst that inspires you. We will deliver you solutions that will disrupt your competitors, increase sales and your market share.


Why do many companies struggle to become more agile? Be more profitable? In most cases the answer is poor strategy or no strategy.

Why does Traffic consistently deliver bold transformations and creative/digital outcomes that deliver increased sales and ROI? We know that the Brand Metabolism methodology consistently delivers solutions that traditional ad agency formats simply cannot match.

At Traffic, strategy comes first with the proven Brand Metabolism process. Then we know how to unlock the secret of competitive advantage for your company and brand.


At Traffic, our award winning creativity is achieved by integrating the boldest strategy with the potency of a single creative idea that traverses all physical and digital platforms with flair and flourish to engage and convert prospects into loyal customers.

Our creative process allows us to produce well crafted brands with a voice that speaks directly to your customers.


We map out a detailed marketing plan, tailored to your business and the brand we’ve created, to ensure maximum engagement across the various touch points. This process is closely monitored and refined so that we’re saying the right thing, in the right place, at the right time, to the right people.

Our Branding Case Studies

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