A Cornerstone Brand for Human Resources
AHRI stands for the Australian Human Relations Institute and it is the primary owner and driver for the HR industry in Australia. AHRI is aware of the growing importance of HR in corporate Australia and the urgent need to educate business leaders to the power of good HR and how it impacts positively on culture, productivity and bottom line performance.
The primary goal of AHRI in Australia is to increase the level of competency and professionalism of HR practitioners. The AHRI strategy is to is to increase the number of certified HR practitioners to elevate standards and make it easier for business owners to identify and hire the best qualified individuals. (Similar strategy to CPA – Certified Practicing Accountants). AHRI knows that the increasingly disruptive business environment will require certified HR professionals a seat at the boardroom table for companies to maximise company performance.
Working with AHRI, Traffic created a new logotype and ‘cornerstone’ icon that reflected the new mission and vision for the member organisation. The creative solution was designed to inspire members to be visionary, bold and proud and the existing blue and green colours were retained in the new deliverables. One of the key campaign requirements was to identify with and relate to the diverse membership profiles. This was achieved using the cornerstone device linked to the various key targets with specific messages across traditional and digital/social media channels.