Relauching Australia's oldest IP firm
As one of Australia’s oldest IP firm, Davies Collison Cave (DCC) have been a pioneer in intellectual property law in Australia for over 140 years. They have built a commanding reputation in Australia and were one of the first firms to have ventured into the overseas market, representing some of the most well known companies in the world. DCC had a desire to increase their presence overseas and extend their footprint. To complement these goals, the business decided to undertake a brand refresh, so DCC brought Traffic on board with the brief to modernise their brand identity and website.
Through a process of brand and digital workshops Traffic were able to get a deep understanding of the organisation, brand history, market trends and target audience profiling. While the brand invested heavily in their staff, the industry and their clients, they wanted to present the brand in a more contemporary way than the existing identity.
Our design team developed an identity that revolved around the notion of the circle. The circle represents the infinite nature of possibilities. It also symbolises working together in unity. The semi circles represent partnership in working towards a shared goal as well as left and right brain thinking, essential for innovation and creativity. Using the semi circles elements created a distinctive, timeless brand mark that elevates the brand and provides a compelling story.
DCC embraced the notion of creativity, especially on behalf of the clients whose IP is instrumental in shaping existing and future innovations. The strategic brand proposition, ensuring brilliance shines, captures the commitment of DCC in the lives of their clients, team and the industry.
We wanted the brand to visually represent the notion of innovation and harnessing the power of creativity to attract the brightest minds to their community of experts. Alongside the unique logo mark, we introduced a vibrant colour palette and styled photography treatment to help tap into our target demographic and create a sense of creativity balanced with a level of corporate professionalism sought from patent attorneys and law firms.
The corporate identity is more paired back and refined, while the marketing collateral has more flexibility to capture attention and engage in more creative aspects reflecting the crucial role DCC plays in the world, ensuring brilliance thrives.