Gen Fyansford
A masterplan community to be excited about
Geelong’s largest infill land estate, Gen Fyansford is the largest development ICD has undertaken to date. The site is located five minutes from Geelong’s CBD and Newtown, the area’s most sought-after suburb. This $200 million dollar project (115 hectares in total) has an estimated 1000 lot subdivision with ancillary town centre commercial assets. With all the stages in the East side of the development now sold out, there was a recognised need for the birth of a sub-brand to release new stock in the west side to the market; housed under the established equity of the master brand that is Gen Fyansford.
With the planned release of Stage 8, we developed a sub-brand strategy that included naming and a new creative direction for this new precinct. We acknowledged that the brand already resonated extremely well with the market, having been in the market for some time, so it was important that we used this equity to enhance the strength of the new campaign, The West End. During this process we recognised a need to also refresh existing masterbrand assets to capitalise on the success of the brand including a campaign photoshoot, website upgrade and interactive masterplan technology to increase lead generation, data capture and overall sales.
The West End campaign has a fresh new look and feel that also includes a website with integrated masterplan technology that allows the end user to navigate through the detail of individual lots and house and land packages available. This technology also tracks user behaviour and ranks their experience so the sales agency can best qualify leads to optimise sales. The first stage release campaign of The West End was in market in March 2017 across both print and digital platforms.