A study in smart rebranding
UniBank was known as Unicredit – a small credit union operating in WA and focused on providing financial services to the tertiary education sector (Universities). It merged with Teachers Mutual Bank in 2015 and now operates independently as a division of Teachers Mutual Bank. Traffic was appointed in 2016 to develop a marketing strategy that would embrace all university students, graduates, staff and their families and make UniBank the first choice bank for all universities in Australia.
It was imperative to differentiate UniBank from Teachers Mutual Bank. The university communities consider themselves to be above ‘teachers’ (slightly ‘elitist’) so the UniBank strategy would be based on ‘mutuality and membership’ to capitalise on their close knit communities. The second priority for the UniBank strategy was to focus on digital in any rebranding. Digital banking was well advanced locally and globally. To be competitive UniBank must be at the forefront in customer service online.
Simplicity, clarity, personalisation and differentiation were the four priorities in developing the creative solutions for UniBank. The design of the new logotype was simplified to be highly agile online and on the campus. The black and white colour combination delivered clear and concise images and messages to an educated target audience. And personalization and differentiation was achieved with the use of the over riding theme ‘Know More’ profiling different messages to different audiences (Academics, graduates, students, staff etc). This theme was central to the message that UniBank would help all members achieve financial self sufficiency and security.